Abbie Smith's profile

The creative mind's potential

D and AD: Adobe brief

“What do you wish you’d been told, and how would that advice have affected the course you’ve taken to the here and now?”

To respond to this brief, I decided to draw on my own experience of ‘bad advice given’. Due to the fact that I felt pressured by my past school to do a more ‘academic’ degree and not a creative a degree, I originally went to study Public Relations at Bournemouth University. In 2013, I found myself on a course that I didn’t like and completely regretted not following my creative ambition in the first place and giving into the pressures of my school. Therefore, I dropped out and reapplied to the Arts University Bournemouth. Thankfully, it all worked out in the end, but my message I wanted to portray in my posters is that the stigma around creative degrees should be ignored and you should follow your passion. In fact, who says being creative isn’t academic? Graphic design is often defined as a social science. I wanted to empower creative students and encourage students to pursue a creative career and in order to communicate this I decided on a collection of posters which would create a narrative.

Poster 1
This poster symbolises the mind lifting out of the head which is represented in a geometric form, each triangle symbolising a different working part of the brain. I wanted the audience to understand that my posters are a study of the creative mind.

Poster 2
This poster also represents the brain in a geometric form however identifies certain functions of the brain such as reason, logic, creativity e.t.c. The black lines are used to link these functions together, to represent a fully functional brain using functions from both the left and right side of the brain. I wanted to emphasise that despite crea-tive people supposedly being more dependent on the left side of their brain, that in fact, to be creative you need to use both sides of the brain. To respond to a creative brief you are using logic, reason and also creativity.

Poster 3
Finally, this poster focuses on the large breadth of potential creative careers available for arts students to pursue. Keeping the geometric style, I decided to suggest various creative careers for students to consider. Whilst I could not possibly name all of the creative careers that could be pursued, I aimed to mention courses available to study a degree in, for example, Graphic Design, Illustration, Creative Writing e.t.c.
The creative mind's potential


The creative mind's potential


Creative Fields